Welcome to the home of SEVEN WINDS Landscaping, Hardscaping, Murals, Mosaics, Stone and Wood Design, and Green Building where we bring the beauty of stone, wood and living plants to expression in designs inspired from the Natural World! We are a Maryland Home Improvement Company (MHIC #95487) serving homes and gardens all over Maryland.
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Koki Mosaic

Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Three Snowy Owls continued
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Eagle Mural
The Eagle Mural is shown here before installation. It is destined for an interior installation in an entry. The Eagle is marble, the background is natural slate. Using the naturally occurring variations in the slate the Eagle is depicted landing on rocky terrain. This mural was the prototype for this type of style using the marble and the slate. This type later was used in the series of three Snowy Owls and other murals. Each piece is cut individually and fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Natural white veins in the dark brown marble used for the Eagle gives the impression of the texture of the Eagle's feathers. Due to all these factors of variation each piece is totally unique and could never be duplicated just as every stone and plant is unique and cannot be duplicated. This mural is sitting on top of a outdoor grill that we made using the natural stones occurring in our part of Maryland. The stones compliment the colors in the mural beautifully. This type of mural is equally as suitable for an outdoor environment as it is for an indoor environment.
Here the mural is installed into a natural slate floor which has been finished with Tung Oil and Carnauba Wax.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Zodiac Mosaic
The clients in Whidbey Island, WA also requested a mosaic to be made for their entrance hall. This was a larger piece, made entirely from marble. It was to be a representation of the zodiac. After some design consideration, we suggested the zodiac circle around a representation of the Earth with a Sun at the South pole and a Moon at the North Pole. The zodiac itself consisted of 13 signs which is actually the true number of constellations on the zodiac line, the actual shape of the constellations are depicted by white marble "stars".
The colors are brighter and more intense than the photo depicts. There are literally thousands of different pieces which make up this mosaic.

Close up view of mosaic showing North Pole "Moon".
Three Snowy Owls