We selected this exressive weeping Spruce for the top terrace, along with a crab apple and Juniper. They will spread and grow and eventually create more privacy and of course a wind block for the top terrace. They also beautified the neighborhood as a walking path runs behind this property and this garden is visible from the walking path.
Welcome to the home of SEVEN WINDS Landscaping, Hardscaping, Murals, Mosaics, Stone and Wood Design, and Green Building where we bring the beauty of stone, wood and living plants to expression in designs inspired from the Natural World! We are a Maryland Home Improvement Company (MHIC #95487) serving homes and gardens all over Maryland.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Terraces become Garden "Rooms": Using the garden's "natural resources"!
We selected this exressive weeping Spruce for the top terrace, along with a crab apple and Juniper. They will spread and grow and eventually create more privacy and of course a wind block for the top terrace. They also beautified the neighborhood as a walking path runs behind this property and this garden is visible from the walking path.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Naturalized City Garden: The Magic is in the Details! (Update)
The homeowner had bought some garden sculptures and together we found the perfect locations for them. The sculpture above completed a path that had previously led just to the fence. With the placing of the sculpture the path now leads to the sculpture as if it had been made exclusively for that. Below a figure in a prayerful or meditative pose sits below the holly tree among some field boulders and among the hostas. These carefully selected pieces complete this garden nicely. Details like these bring magic to the garden!
A Woodland Garden in a City
We chose the plants to give a range of flowers throughout the year, and to give contrasting textures and colors. The tree selected is a Japanese Stewartia with Spring flowers and appealing bark for winter interest.
The picture above and below show the first year growth in this garden. It rapidly became a lush expression of various colors and textures.
The homeowner's frog took up its position on the stump of the old locust tree among the yucca.
The pathway invites one to step up into the garden...
One of the most interesting points of this garden is that it is all built on top of a concrete slab. This concrete slab was probably installed many years ago, and the fact that the small garage door is the only access from the alley to this garden, made it very difficult for the concrete to removed once installed. At some point a prior homeowner had dealt with this issue by creating raised beds with railroad ties. By the time we got to it, the railroad ties were disintegrating, however a huge locust tree had been able to grow on top of this slab. Ideally the concrete slab would have been removed to create garden beds, however in cases like this one where logistics or budget prohibited removal, raised beds can be created with great success without removing the concrete.
There are many urban yards in Baltimore in particular which consist of a solid slab which really is not being used at all. These gardens can easily be turned into green spaces which are obviously good for the homeowners, good for the birds, bees and butterflies, and good for the air! This was a wonderful project that we truly enjoyed installing.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Beauty and Function meet!

Monday, January 30, 2012
Naturalized City Garden

Monday, January 23, 2012
Hedgerow for Diverse Purposes

Juniper (evergreen)
Kousa Dogwood (chinese, more disease resistant)
Redbud (native flowering)
Japanese Stewartia (flowering, winter interest)
Serviceberry (native, flowering)
Inkberry (evergreen native)
Skip laurel (evergreen)
Red Twig Dogwood (native, winter interest)
Dwarf Fothergilla (native fragrant flowering spring)
Summersweet (fragrant flowering summer)
Viburnum (fragrant flowering spring)
Witch Hazel (native fragrant flowering autumn)